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BPM Training Essentials: Equipping Your Team for Success

Over the past decade, Business Process Management (BPM) has evolved from being considered a discipline applicable to large-scale enterprises to a strategic imperative for organisations of all sizes and industries. The market growth reflects this shift, with the global BPM market projected to reach USD 23.04 billion by 2024, according to a report by MarketsandMarkets.

Given the cost, efficiency and productivity benefits it brings in, organisations cannot afford to overlook BPM as a strategic advantage in today’s competitive marketplace. To achieve BPM success, it is essential to have well-trained teams equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and improve business processes. This is where BPM Training plays a crucial role.

BPM training equips teams with the necessary concepts, tools and knowledge to navigate the complexities of process management, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive successful BPM initiatives. In this blog, we look at key components of BPM Training and best practices to maximise the results from the training program.

Key Components of Effective BPM Training Programs

An effective BPM training program begins with a thorough assessment of the organisation’s training needs and objectives. This involves understanding the specific requirements of the teams involved in BPM initiatives, their existing knowledge and skill gaps, and the desired outcomes of the training program.

By conducting a comprehensive training needs analysis, organisations can ensure that the training addresses specific challenges and aligns with their strategic goals. That said, basic process mapping and analysis techniques are a must-have in every training program. We look at key components BPM Training programs must focus on:

Process Mapping using Globally recognised standards: To ensure clarity and consistency in process documentation, a BPM training program should focus on process mapping using globally recognised standards such as BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). This standardises the depiction of business scenarios, making it easier for all team members, from business users to front-end employees, to understand and follow process maps. The course should cover the do’s and don’ts of process mapping and provide guidance on mapping rules and symbols. Standardised process documentation is crucial not only for process improvement but also for future digital transformation and process automation projects.

Capturing Process Attributes: An effective BPM training program should emphasise the importance of capturing process attributes. This involves effectively gathering additional details such as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) matrix, compliance requirements, and more. Teams can enhance their process analysis and improvement outcomes by elevating the process map to include these attributes.

BPM Methodology: BPM methodology provides a structured approach to analysing, designing, implementing, and continuously improving business processes. The training program must have a module on BPM methodology as it helps answer key questions, such as to what level we should map the processes, what information needs to be captured, etc. BPM Methodology ensures the process mapping remains consistent and accurate.

Process Interview Preparation: Stakeholder interviews play a crucial role in gathering insights about the current process and identifying areas for improvement. A comprehensive BPM training course should provide guidance on identifying process participants, conducting effective process interviews, and capturing the necessary details. This module should cover best practices, preparation techniques, and essential do’s and don’ts to ensure successful and productive process interviews.

Identifying Priority Processes: To drive immediate results and gain executive buy-in, targeting the right processes for improvement is vital. A well-designed BPM training program includes a module on identifying priority processes for improvement. This module helps participants understand the criteria for selecting high-priority processes, such as high-frequency, high-volume, high-customer-touch, high-risk, and high-manual-intervention processes. Organisations can demonstrate quick wins and build momentum for further process improvement initiatives by focusing on these priority areas.

Process Analysis Techniques: A comprehensive BPM training program covers advanced process analysis techniques that enable participants to identify process issues and make informed business improvement decisions. Key process analysis techniques to look for in the training program include:

  • Value Analysis: Eliminating unnecessary activities, expenses, and steps in the process.
  • Process Cost Analysis: Understanding the role cost and overhead costs in the process.
  • Process Cycle Time: Evaluating execution time per activity and identifying delays or lags within the process.
  • Process Cycle Efficiency: Assessing the value-adding time in the process by considering execution time and delays.

Process Improvement Techniques: An effective BPM training program should equip participants with techniques to identify and implement process improvement ideasthat deliver significant benefits. This includes establishing a process approval mechanism and driving collaborative process improvement efforts.

Change Management Techniques: BPM project’s success significantly depends on the adherence to the documented and improved processes by the staff. BPM training programs should include proven change management techniques to help bridge the gap between BPM implementation and adoption. It should focus on involving stakeholders in the process improvement initiative, aligning them with the goals, and addressing resistance to change. Change management skills enable organisations to successfully navigate the human aspects of process improvement.

Best Practices for Implementing BPM Training

Implementing effective BPM training requires careful planning and execution. Here’s a look at how organisations can ensure successful training outcomes:

Creating a Training Plan and Schedule: A comprehensive plan ensures that the training sessions are organised and communicated effectively and aligned with business priorities and employees’ availability. The plan must outline the schedules and timelines, specific training objectives, target audience, and desired outcomes

Choosing the right delivery methods: Organisations should assess the existing knowledge and skill gaps within their workforce and then choose the right delivery methods, such as classroom sessions, online modules, or a blended approach, that can enhance engagement and knowledge retention among participants.

Regular Evaluation: Regular evaluation of the BPM training program is essential to gauge its effectiveness and make improvements or alterations if required. Collecting feedback from participants and conducting post-training assessments can provide valuable insights for refining the training content, methods, and delivery.

Choosing the Right BPM Training Program

Selecting the appropriate BPM (Business Process Management) training program is crucial to ensure that employees acquire the necessary skills to drive process improvement within the organisation. With numerous training options available, beginning by clearly defining your organisation’s specific training objectives is essential. Here are some considerations when choosing a BPM Training Program:

Assess Training Content: Evaluate the training program’s content to ensure that it aligns with your organisation’s needs. It’s important to look for comprehensive coverage of essential BPM concepts, methodologies, and best practices. Consider whether the program offers practical examples, case studies, and real-world scenarios to facilitate a deeper understanding of BPM principles. It’s also crucial to consider if the course includes some practical exercises and quizzes that allow you to test your knowledge and understanding and see if there is an area where you need further improvement/assistance.

Expert-Created Course: Choosing a course created by BPM experts gives you the advantage of learning from their vast practical experience, and learnings gathered through working with several organisations. Practical tips and tried and tested techniques come in handy in addressing the biggest BPM pain points

Credibility of Training Provider: Look for reviews, testimonials, and feedback from previous participants to gauge the effectiveness and quality of their training. Consider the experience and expertise of the trainers, as well as their track record in delivering successful BPM training

Additional Guidance: Determine if the provider offers an option to participants to reach out and seek additional guidance in case required during or post the training. A quick response via instant chat, for example, in an online program, comes in handy.

If you are looking for online programs to enhance your BPM skills anytime, anywhere at your pace, then it’s worthwhile to consider PRIME BPM’s  Business Process Management Concept Courses. Having trained 5,000+ participants and delivered 400 courses, PRIME BPM is a reputed provider of BPM training programs. The concept courses are available as a two-part program, including BPM Foundations and Process Mapping Course and Process Analysis and Improvement Course

Highly reviewed and rated by BPM professionals, the courses have been developed by BPM experts with over 20 years of experience in training hundreds of leading organisations and process mapping, analysis and improvement techniques gathered from over 200+ successful BPM deployments.

Read more about the concepts covered in the courses at: